221. Urban bird ecology and conservation /
Author: Christopher A. Lepczyk and Paige S. Warren, editors
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Birds-- Conservation,Birds-- Ecology,Urban animals-- Conservation,Urban animals-- Ecology
Classification :

222. When care cannot cure: medical problems in seriously ill babies -- A Modern myth: that letting die is not the intentional causation of death -- The Abnormal child: moral dilemmas of doctors and parents -- Right to life of handicapped -- A Definition of irreversible coma -- Is the sanctity of life ethic terminally ill? -- Life past reason -- Dworkin on dementia: elegant theory, questionable policy -- The note -- When self-determination runs amok -- When abstract moralizing runs amok -- Listening and helping to die: the Dutch way -- Rescuing lives: can't we count? -- The Allocation of exotic medical lifesaving therapy -- Should alcoholics compete equally for liver transplantation? The Value of life -- How age should matter: justice as the basis for limiting care to the elderly -- Quality of life and resource allocation -- A Lifespan approach to health care -- Why give to strangers? -- Organ donation and retrieval: whose body is it anyway? -- The Case for allowing kidney sales -- The Survival lottery -- Ethics and clinical research -- Equipoise and the ethics of clinical research -- The Patient and the public g
Author: edited by Helga Kuhse and Peter Singer.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

223. Wildlife conservation sunflower plots as a dual-purpose wildlife management strategy
Author: Linz, George M.; Schaaf, Dionn A.; Mastrangelo, Philip; Homan, H. Jeffrey; Penry, Linda B.; Bleier, William J.,Linz, George M.; Schaaf, Dionn A.; Mastrangelo, Philip; Homan, H. Jeffrey; Penry, Linda B.; Bleier, William J.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)

224. Wildlife science :
Author: edited by Joseph P. Sands ... [et al.].
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Wildlife conservation.,Wildlife management.,Wildlife research.

225. William James and the varieties of religious experience: a centenary celebration
Author: edited by Jeremy Carrette
Library: Special Library of University of Religions (Qom)
Subject: ، James, William, 2481-0191. Varieties of religious experience,، Psychology, Religious,، Philosophy and religion,Philosophy ، Religion
Classification :

226. Women in literature :
Author: edited by Jerilyn Fisher and Ellen S. Silber ; foreword by David Sadker.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Englisch, ...,Umschulungswerkstätten für Siedler und Auswanderer, Bitterfeld,Literature, Modern-- History and criticism.,Women in literature.,Femmes dans la littérature.,Littérature-- Histoire et critique.,Frau,Frauenliteratur,LITERARY CRITICISM-- General.,Literatur,Literature, Modern.,TRAVEL-- Special Interest-- Literary.,Women in literature.
Classification :